Call for a Transitional Justice expert with focus on Kosovo and the Balkan region

26.01.2022, 11:16

Call for a Transitional Justice expert with focus on Kosovo and the Balkan region

Kosovo Coalition for Reconciliation (KCR) is seeking an expert with extensive knowledge on the transitional justice process in Kosovo and in the Balkan region to draft a National Strategy on Transitional Justice in Kosovo.


KCR with the financial support of the European Union seeks to contribute to overall improvement of ethnic relations in Kosovo and increase understanding and participation of grass-root community actors in initiatives fostering the reconciliation process in Kosovo. Through vigorous efforts in facilitation of respectful ethnic dialogue, promotion of cultural diversity values, increased opportunities for inter-ethnic cooperation in promotion of peace and tolerance and amplified inclusion of women and youth groups in the reconciliation process in Kosovo, KCR aspires to introduce genuine and sustainable changes in reconciliation dynamics in Kosovo.

Purpose and objectives:

The KCR seeks to engage a high-level expert on Transitional Justice to draft a model for National Strategy on Transitional Justice. The expert shall coordinate the research done by the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo and the KCR partners and use the research (qualitative and quantitative) in order to draft an accurate strategy on Transitional Justice.

The expert will have the full responsibility, in close cooperation with the programme coordinator of the KCR to:

- Gather necessary and relevant data about the transitional justice process in Kosovo (and the region if necessary);

- Conduct desk and field research, including conducting interview with relevant stakeholders;

- Draft a short report concerning the transitional justice process in Kosovo from the end of the conflict in 1999 until today;

- Study and compare strategies of different countries and assess the impact of these strategies in the process of TJ in those countries;

- Analyze and extract experience of these countries by identifying relevant successes and shortcomings;

- Draft proposal/model for a National Strategy of Transitional Justice for Kosovo

Qualifications and required profile:

The applicant will have a proven track record of:

- Significant expert knowledge demonstrated through academic qualifications or the equivalent and substantial professional experience of Transitional Justice, Dealing with the past, International law, post conflict societies or/and peacebuilding;

- Excellent research, analytical and writing skills;

- Strong analytical skills and demonstrated experience of conducting and managing research, including field research;

- Proven experience of drafting research papers targeted at different audiences;

- An extensive knowledge of Kosovo recent history and that of the ex-Yugoslavia countries;

- Have a strong knowledge of strategies drafted by authorities of other post-conflict countries (e.g. South Africa, Bosnia and Herzegovina etc.) who have already drafted their national strategies on TJ and Dealing with the Past.

How to apply:

Interested candidate should send the following documents to [email protected]  

- Short description about the applicant and how you plan to approach the task (max 2 pages);

- Example of previous work done in the field;

- CV and cover letter.

Please find more on the Kosovo Coalition for Reconciliation on the website and on about Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo. If you have any questions you are welcome to address them to the Project Manager Kaltrina Shala on [email protected].

Deadline for application is 9th of February 2022